Pre and post field trip activities

CIMM Education Committee has found that front loading the experience with background information greatly enhances students’ field trip. The committee has created Pre Field Trip Activities for your students to motivate them and to provide  familiarity with the terminology and the concepts  we will be using at the museum. Please download and print these activities for each of your students and spend some guided instructional time before your field trip.


pre field trip activities - Maritime Explorations through time & place

Pre Field Trip Activities - Maritime Explorations


PRE FIELD TRIP ACTIVITIES - Middle/Junior High & high school program

Pre Field Trip Activity - Seascape Gallery Artwalk

Pre Field Trip Activity - Historic Coastal Art

Pre Field Trip Activity - Port of Hueneme Resource and Port of Hueneme Video

Pre Field Trip Activity - Asiatic Explorations


Post FIELD TRIP ACTIVITIES - Maritime Explorations through time & place

Post Field Trip Student Activities

Post Field Trip Student Activities - Answer Key



Once your trip has been booked, please refer to the Field Trip Guide for more information on procedures and directions for teachers and parents.